The Blue Rose 033 – The Dugout

My high school, like most in the American Midwest, revolved around the seasons; not fall, winter, and spring, but rather football, basketball, and baseball. The high school sat on a plot of land donated to the school district, about three miles outside of town, one two low, flat hills. There was the football field beside... Continue Reading →

The Blue Rose 029 – Beneath the Surface

This story came from someone who started as a rival, became a friend, and ended as an enemy. Just after my college days, I lived in a three bedroom townhouse with a pair of friends, a couple, who were into New Age Wiccan crystal whodilywoo.  I was never convinced, but they were my friends, so... Continue Reading →

The Blue Rose 012 – The Movie

Back when I was growing up in the 80s, Sunday afternoons were the worst time of all.  We didn't have cable, so we had a total of five stations to watch; the big three networks, PBS, and an independent station that would become a Fox affiliate a couple of years later.  The major networks had... Continue Reading →

Time for something spooky

True spooky story time. I live at the back of an apartment complex.  Basically it's a maze of streets that wind around buildings until you finally get to the very back stretch, which borders a small wooded lot that is owned by the city and technically a park, though no one really goes there.  There... Continue Reading →

Library of the Living Dead – Made you Flinch Again – Cancelled

So it seems that an anthology that had accepted one of my works, Cousins, has been cancelled.  Library of the Living Dead Press has fallen on hard times and the publisher can't afford to put out anthologies for a while. It's a sad note to end the week on, but I understand business decisions have... Continue Reading →

I’ve gone and lost my head.

Actually, I haven't, but this is the wonderful version of me from May December Publication's Chivalry is Dead anthology.  The book is out for Kindle already, and the print version should be available soon. I have to hand it to May December, they do a wonderful job with the artwork for these books, and this... Continue Reading →

New story published – My Monster on FiftyWordStories.Com

I'm usually not one for flash fiction.  My attempts haven't gone so well.  However, I did write a micro-flash story, just fifty words long, for the site It was published today.  Here's a link to the story, titled My Monster. It's actually a tiny encapsulated form of a longer story I'm working on, currently... Continue Reading →

Another acceptance! Cousins to be featured in Made You Flinch – Again!

I received word yesterday that my story, Cousins, will be featured in the new anthology Made You Flinch - Again! from Library of the Living Dead.  The story is a pseudo-Lovecraftian tale of a man rediscovering his roots, and it was one of the first short stories I ever wrote.  It will be good to... Continue Reading →

I’ve gotten “married”!?!

May December Publications, the publisher of Eye Witness Zombie and the upcoming Chivalry is Dead anthology, has come up with an interesting idea.  Along with Chivalry is Dead, there is an all female author anthology called Hell Hath No Fury coming out around the same time, and the two books together form a sort of... Continue Reading →

Elizabeth Bear – Shoggoths in Bloom

Elizabeth Bear, a wonderful writer whose work I admire, has posted her tale, Shoggoths in Bloom, on her personal website.  It's entirely worth reading.  Rarely do you find a Lovecraftian tale that makes you wonder about the nature of humanity and what it means to be free.

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